Thane and Pleasure

Feb 18, 2011 13:24

MACBETH tickets for the Everyman in May are BOOKED, we have lift off, and a very interesting time we will have too.

Big Dave Morrissey is our Thane, Gemma Redgrave our demented and driven Lady, and I am so excited to see this it almost hurts. I've missed DM's other forays into theatre so this will complete the set, having experienced his work as TV and film actor, director and producer. Plus, I am hopelessly in love with the man, which poor S tolerates with a smile, love him.

Because S and I rarely do 'big adventures', preferring smaller, equally fun BFI ones etc, I've booked us a hotel for the evening.

It looks beautiful and I know people who've raved about the place when in the 'Pool.

Plus, S thinks he knows about this, but he doesn't quite know *everything*...

I may well have ideas above my station what with fancy-schmancy hotels and Shakespeare, but the fuck with it. S deserves this and so do I.
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