Swear to God, if I come across one more woman who tells me she's on a "watermellon diet"/ eats only an apple for breakfast/ is eating only one meal a day, I am going to totally lose my shit and throttle her.
What the fuck is WRONG with you people?!
I'm not being a hypocrite. I worry about overeating and obsess over my flabby stomach too. But my solution is to eat moderately and folow a steady workout regimen. I also use those hours I do not spend on friggin' Facebook to use the famous information superhighway to do a bit of homework on how and how far I can lose weight and tone down.
These women? The very mention of gym is anathema to them, they reject any technique that won't lose them 30 pounds a month and they come up with crazy-ass techniques they concoct in their own little heads - like eating only watermelons for lunch. Why? Because going to the gym is "too hard" or "too expensive".
*kicks something*
You can't be bothered to go to the gym, or you can't afford to go to the gym, but you can afford to starve yourself to death? And if a gym IS truly beyond your budget, then why not just do some basic stretching and aerobic exercises every day for twenty minutes?
I'll tell you why. Because the women of our day and generation are not trained to give a rat's fart about actual, long-term health. What they ARE brainwashed into believing is that their lives are worth much less than a person who can look good in a sheathe dress.
Call me a grandma, but I don't understand the modern concept of beauty anymore. The stick-thin creatures that are allowed to strut down the catwalk on TV makes my stomach turn. They are gaunt and hollow-eyed, and look vaguely like Aushwitz survivors. How people can compare THAT to a round cheeked, bright-eyed girl with some meat on her bones, I have NO idea.
But that's just me. Yes, stick-thin is attractive to some people. Plump is attractive to others. That's because beauty is a subjective issue. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
What's NOT subjective is good health. A healthy person is someone whose every organ fuctions at optimum capacity, be it their immune system, flexibility or brain power. How each person arrives at this point is subjective to their own unique bio-chemical make-up. Methods that work well for some do not produce the same results for others.
Here's an article that can explain the basics of how to gauge your state of health better. Bottom-line, the main reason you exercise or diet should be to BE HEALTHIER. Losing weight is not always indicative of better health.
The point of living is to enjoy ALL the good things in life, not just a two-piece swimsuit. What the hell is the point of looking good in a swimsuit if you can't ever binge on pizza or stuff your face with chocolate occasionally? (Actually, gorging on junk food once a week while on a diet IMPROVES your metabolism and makes your diet more effective.) And it's not just food. What about the thrill of discovering just how strong and lithe a machine your body is? What about the sense of acheivement that comes from pushing yourself to swim just that one more lap when you feel about to collapse, and the thrill when you can FINALLY touch your forehead to your knees? What about knowing you are pyshically strong enough to land a significant punch on a guy who can't get that "no" means "no"?
You are missing out on half your life. Why? Because you want a 28-inch waistline in 20 days. Or because everybody else and their grandma's poodle thinks you should have a 28 inch waist. Which is even worse.
I will say it again.
My dear, dear, sisters, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!