(no subject)

Oct 18, 2007 19:07

So, after 5 years of back pain, I finally found myself a competent doctor and a reason as to why this shit started in the first place: I have an extra vertebrae. No, seriously. No one thought to order x-rays before. I don't think my old doctor even believed me when I told her how much it hurt. Turns out, the extra vertebrae puts pressure on my spinal cord, making the muscles in my thoracic/cervical region try to compensate and leading to degeneration of my discs in that region. It feels so awesome to a)finally have a diagnosis other than nebulous back pain and b)know it's not my fault my back's all fucked up.

Actually, of all the reasons to have back pain, having an extra vertebrae is kind of cool. Maybe my mutation can get me into the clubs were Wolverine and Peter Petrelli hang out? I could save the world with the power of nerditude! And also heal Hiro's wounded heart after he returns from the past

Also, in answer to Jen's comment on an earlier entry, the doctor put me on celebrex, so we'll see how that works out for me. I'll never be able to get the celebrex song out for my head now, though... As for ergonomics, I'm pretty good about most of that stuff since it does help with the pain a bit. I bet I can convince Scott we need one of those super awesome foam mattresses... I've always had a secret desire for one, and now I have a concrete reason...
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