Oct 09, 2007 16:59
Today we went over bone in discussion, which was AWESOME. I've been pretty stressed out over classes lately, seeing as I don't have a good grip on most of this stuff and my muscle relaxants/pain killers put me in a bit of a fog all the time. But today was different. Today was connective tissue day. Why is that so awesome, one may ask? Because I love bone and cartilage so hard. And I'm nerdily excited about science having to do with them. So today I spoke more in discussion than I have the whole rest of the semester, and I rocked it out. Today reminded me why I'm here and that I'm not as stupid as memorizing all this shit is making me feel.
Of course, after I came home pumped to study I got a migraine and now I'm having a bit of a pain problem, but that is what percacet, muscle relaxants and hot packs are for. Plus it gives me an excuse to nap a bit...
Overall, I feel much better about myself after educating med students about the kick-ass fabulousness that is collagen. Rock on mesenchymal tissue, rock on.