I got accepted to Edgewood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 07, 2009 18:14

I got a call from Edgewood this morning telling me I was accepted into their marriage and family therapy master's program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were 4 people who couldn't make it to the interview on Saturday, so they are interviewing them today. Because of that they told us they would let us know on Tuesday. But, they called me today because they decided to go ahead and put some of us out of our misery...those of us they wanted to accept no matter what happens with the 4 people today. They really want ME. I didn't barely make it in, I am one of the top people. I am overjoyed, but in shock. I was a nervous wreck on Saturday. I've been beating myself up over it ever since...this was soooo important to me and instead of shining, I was overwhelmed. I wasn't good enough. But they think I'm good enough. This has been my dream for so long, and it's really going to happen.

I didn't go to bed until around 5 a.m., so when the phone call came this morning, I was still asleep. David heard my phone and listened to the message in case it was something important and it was *the call*. He came into the bedroom playing the message on speaker phone and once I realized what was being said, I started crying. Then I listened to the message several more times before calling a few people I wanted to share the news with. Finally, I called Edgewood back to accept, and she acted like *they* were the lucky ones...I asked her if she was sure she meant to call *me*.

I am going to keep this phone message *forever*. This is the most important exciting news I'm ever going to receive. If she had called to tell me I'd won 10 million dollars or a space in this program, I would have picked this. I know education is expensive, so I can't really say that money doesn't sometimes buy happiness...but this phone call is going to change my life a lot more than any amount of money ever could.

I think the lucky people are the ones who find a few things in life they are really good at, things that come naturally to them, make them feel whole, make them feel at home. Becoming a therapist feels like one of those things to me. It has taken me a long time to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. I really want to be a therapist...and now I get that chance.
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