Mon Cherie's Rockabilly Lounge Next Month for a Very God Cause

Apr 28, 2010 13:47

Rod Hamdallah Rocks the stage
and Performances by Big City Burlesque

Join us for a Rockabilly Raffle benefitting Autism Awareness
Including items from Pabst Blue Ribbon, Lux deVille Handbags, Sacred Heart Tattoos, Lucky Starr Vintage Clothing, Derek Jackson Pin-Up Photo Shoot
And much much more.

Mon Cherie's Pin-Up Beauties welcome you with FREE JELLO SHOTS
Doors @ 9PM - Cover $10 - Ages 18+ Welcome

Ms. Thomas' class @ JC Macgill Elementary is a special needs class for Autistic Children.
The school added an additional student who not only has autism - but other issues as well. This student has a violent tendency and has been harming the other children. Recently - he tore apart the classroom and attacked the teacher - putting her in the hospital. Autism is a specific disorder and the children are special and sweet in nature. The children witnessed the incident and it appears that it was just too much for them to handle.

The other children are currently traumatized by this and have been having nightmares and other coping issues.
On Friday, May 21st Mon Cherie's Rockabilly Lounge will be holding a benefit for the kiddies.
We will be hosting a Rockabilly Raffle and the proceeds will go to the children. We are hoping to send them each to Autism Summer Camps where they will meet other children and get counseling for their specific needs.
Ms Thomas is writing a book, "Leaving Autism Road" about her experience in dealing with Autism and will be reading excerpts during the night.

If this has touched your heart and you cannot attend this event, you can still help.

Thank you for your support.
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