"I think that woman DROVE to the walk-in clinic."

May 31, 2013 00:04

My cousins continue to have superhuman amounts of energy, fueled by eating more waffles than Batgirl, but they are asleep now, so it's time for a short comics post! Hahaha, for once I managed to type this up before it became novel-length.

Anybody reading the new X-Men? I hear it's good.

Anyway, things I have been reading:

Fearless Defenders #4AU: Apparently this was really good, but I was kind of bored by it? I think I just like Fearless Defenders to be really cracky and full of flying horses and Valkyrie being bros with everyone. And there was not really any of that. Hippolyta got to be pretty hardcore, though.

Avengers: The Enemy Within #1: THIS WAS SO GREAT. I am sure Carol was really, really annoyed with Jess but she was so hilarious, why does she not have her own comic book right now? Or one where she and Carol defeat things with their powers of flying, zapping things, and excessive sass? Also Carol's itty bitty fangirl was so cute (she calls her Lt. Trouble!). And dinosaurs.

Batwoman #20: I feel like this is the part where I am supposed to be getting excited about things, and yet, I can't really care about the plot. Except Kate's family is all banding together now, which is neat. I am wary of the "get Batman" thing, although I suppose it makes sense if DC has some kind of "alienate all members of the Batfamily" agenda, since Kate did miss the last couple of traumatizing crossover events. But honestly the only thing that looks really interesting to me right now is Francesco Francavilla on art in the summer solicits.

Journey Into Mystery #652: shinyjenni told me about this, and wow, it was amazing. The art was SO GREAT, especially the faces, and Sif is so hilarious. Her whole monologue about this being the last time she gardens for Asgardia, and when she tells the All-Mother that Thor doesn't answer her, "But I am not his mother. Thank the stars." And visiting Jane Foster, and then talking to Iron Man. It was really funny, but also really thoughtful, ahh, so much fun to read. And seriously, does anyone have a better "so done with gardening" face than the Lady Sif?

Now I really want to see the fic/buddy comedy/Avengers movie outtake reel where Sif and Valkyrie try to take a day off and go shopping in Manhattan together (because, lbr, a shieldmaiden loves her boots), but Sif is annoyed because Val won't let her drive the flying horse, and then she complains the whole way to New England and distracts Val and they get lost and of course Val refuses to ask for directions and it takes them, like, three hours to realize that they are actually in Jersey. But then they run into Kate Bishop who demands to be taken along and bribes them with her knowledge of Manhattan shoe stores, and when they get to New York everything is blowing up and giant robot fishmonsters and they have to save the day. In, ahh, a different part of New York. NYC is really big, how can the Avengers possibly have saved it all by themselves? Anyway, if somebody wants to write me this, you'd only be, like, my new favorite person.

Also, the solicits for Batman & Robin give me very mixed feelings, because on the one hand, Carrie Kelley, Batfamily team-ups, and the lingering possibility that someone will finally smack Bruce in the face and tell him he's being a jerk. But the cynical part of me wonders if I could save a lot of money and get the same result by just imagining Bruce being ableist and condescending to Barbara, classist and condescending to Selina, and impossible to satisfy and condescending to Dick. (Now I also want to read the story where Babs and Selina and Dick all go, "Screw this," and have a we-are-cooler-than-Bruce party together and, I dunno, paint each other's nails. Braid Barbara's magical red hair.)

comics, captain marvel, batwoman, journey into mystery, batman, fearless defenders

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