I'm not a kid, I'm Spider-Man

Apr 30, 2013 22:16

Ahh, apparently I procrastinated forever again. P.S. If you have been poking me to that effect, I finally got around to Hawkeye. Anyway!

Fearless Defenders #3: I love everything this comic chooses to be. Annabelle is the most adorkable shieldmaiden ever, and Hippolyta is waaaay too excited about fighting the Doom Maidens, and "you two can out-Xena each other later," and teleporting on the horse right into the middle of...a totally empty street. I was kind of ??? at the "Spartan cross-dressers" line--I wasn't even really sure what the joke was there. But mostly this is just the best comic.

Batman & Robin #19: So, Carrie doesn't do all that much, but that's okay, it's a very busy comic. I really liked the art--Patrick Gleason managed to make even Tim's wings not look completely ridiculous. I think I am perhaps the only person who read this and was not sad because of how Batman and Tim interacted? I think it's because I keep reading things in which Tim is kind of trying to tell people what to do, like he knows better than they do, and this time I actually agreed with him so I didn't think he was being pushy. But yeah, Batman was basically flipping out in general and was not very nice to Tim. Also, until editorial comes up with a better explanation, I will believe that Carrie's roommate is Steph, and that Cass is also in that apartment somewhere, just offscreen.

Li'l Gotham #9: ADORABLE AND PERFECT AS USUAL. Dark chocolate detective! Damian getting his tongue frozen to someone else's ice cream! Ivy getting blamed for plants! THE BEST.

Batwoman #19: Trevor McCarthy's art continues to be good when it's good, but uneven. I liked Chase talking to her sister. The rest of the issue was pretty boring, and I am sad that Bette is leaving AGAIN after we just got her back. It should be interesting to see Beth again, but they've been teasing it for so long and it's mixed up with Colonel Kane's whole might-also-have-a-son thing and I am just kind of meh on this issue. Also, is it just me, or is DC putting in more ads than it used to? Or placing them differently? It felt like every other page was an ad at some parts of my floppy.

Nightwing #19: Nightwing moved to Chicago, and I live in Chicago, so it was mildly interesting on that front. The bit with the trains was kind of fun, but this issue seemed weirdly like a lot of things happened and nothing happened at the same time. It wasn't that exciting.

Batgirl: Kicking Assassins and Batgirl: Fists of Fury: I read these a while ago and I don't remember them super well? I think mostly I was back to "Cass is cool but her comics are kind of uneven." I liked how in Kicking Assassins you get inside her head a little more, but the adventures were kind of boring and the ongoing thing where she was mistaken for maybe being a prostitute was really awkward. Also, who was that boy who was hanging out by her house? The one she kissed?

Fists of Fury confused me a little bit because I forgot when the whole beating Shiva thing happened, but I liked seeing Steph and Cass solve mysteries together. It's kind of like their own little Scooby-Doo adventure. The Phil Noto issue is the best issue, why didn't they have him draw more of them?

Young Justice Vol. 1: These are the comics from the show, not the 90's YJ comics. It was nice to see everyone's backstories, and the art was nice enough, but these comics were really pretty boring to me.

Blue Beetle: End Game: I didn't really like the issues at the beginning, but once the story arc got under way, it was really good. Was Blue Beetle, like, about to be canceled or something? It read a lot like a final run. Anyway, everyone got to be really great, especially Traci and Brenda. There were a lot of funny quotes, too. And then, randomly, there was an issue in Spanish. Which is a neat idea, but it's a lot harder to change the language and provide subtitles for a comic book than it is for, say, a movie.

Hawkeye: My Life As a Weapon: While I was reading this, I kept coming across things that I would intellectually recognize as "probably hilarious," but they just would not be very funny to me. I am not sure if that is because I had already seen some of them on Tumblr, or what. Maybe I am a sad, jaded person? Or maybe Hawkeye is more understated than I am used to? Anyway, yes, Kate is indeed the hero of this comic and I do not understand why she does not have her own solo, or at least more pages in the things in which she appears. I like how she gets to be a kid, but is also mature and brave. And snarky. And Clint and the comic itself respect her talent and her fabulousness.

Batman: Streets of Gotham: Leviathan and Streets of Gotham: House of Hush: I liked Leviathan a lot, because Helena's inner monologue as she stalked Man-Bat was kind of the best, and then Oracle and Batman were there, and then Dick and Damian patrolling and teasing each other about Christmas, and then Damian meeting Colin.

House of Hush was a lot slower, but it had some cool things. It was nice to see Colin again. I don't know why they changed Katana's costume in the reboot, her old one was so much better. And it was fun seeing flashbacks of Zatanna as a kid, although I'm pretty sure they contradict some things in her origin. It was also neat to see Martha and Leslie when they were young, since Bruce always obsesses about his father and we don't know that much about his mom. But yeah, this is only an interesting book if you care about Hush (which I don't) or about super-minor Batman characters (which I kind of do).

Captain Marvel: In Pursuit of Flight: Carollllll. This is the best and I have already preordered the next volume. I didn't really understand the end? But all the ladies were great, and time-travel adventures, and Carol can be tough and she can be sweet and when she doesn't know what to do, she just says screw it and starts flying towards whatever seems like the best answer. And she has all the spider-best-friends.

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man Vol. 2: I didn't like this as much as Vol. 1...the art was different for the first half of the book, and a lot of it was about Miles' uncle, instead of him, which was boring to me. But when Miles fought the Ringer and then had a hilarious conversation with the police captain who knew Peter, that was pretty great.

captain marvel, nightwing, robin, batman, comics, batwoman, spider-man, fearless defenders, batgirl, hawkeye

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