watching things

Apr 06, 2013 17:33

So there's this dude with flowing blond hair rollerblading through the streets of my neighborhood singing loudly and dramatically and generally looking like he's having a grand old time. My dad's theory is that he is trying to make his life and the lives of others as nice as possible. I think he thinks he's the prince in a Disney movie. It's fabulous, either way. I love my neighborhood.

Elementary 1.19: Elementary you are the nicest show! Clyde being the ambulance was adorable. And I was super impressed with how they handled Miss Hudson--I don't think I've ever seen a mainstream TV show treat a trans* character so respectfully/sympathetically. I hope she and Watson become buddies.

Batman: Under the Red Hood: As far as compressing a ridiculous amount of comics history into 75 minutes, I guess they did a reasonably good job. I liked it okay overall. It was frustrating though how in compressing/simplification, it seemed like a lot of the ladies got squeezed out. I mean, no mention of Jason looking for his mom, and Talia got reduced to a 30-second non-speaking role, with Ra's doing all the Lazarus Pit stuff.

Most of the ~feelings I had about it were during the flashbacks to when Jason was Robin, which were a relatively small part of the movie. This is maybe because I have a lot of ~feelings about Robins, or maybe because it is easier to relate to a kid's perspective than to Batman's or to Jason's adult perspective when he is mostly killing drug dealers and wandering around wearing what looks like a cross between a bicycle helmet and Darth Vader's mask. So. I am thinking this was not such a good substitute for those comics I haven't actually read.

Hanna: This movie was really cool, and I am sure there are a lot of really intelligent things to be said about it but I do not have any of those things to say. I just really liked it because it was like Snow White, if Snow White had been an innocent but extremely deadly teenager raised in the forest by her ex-CIA father, and the Evil Queen was his former handler who would do anything to tie up compromising loose ends, and Snow White hitchhiked through North Africa and Europe with an English family instead of going to live with the Seven Dwarfs. And it had a dubstep soundtrack. And it was directed by Joe Wright, so it was gorgeous. SO YEAH, that was pretty great.

movies, elementary, batman, hanna, general nerdery

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