fic: not schoolbook history

Jan 08, 2013 17:30

Title: not schoolbook history
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Amy/Rory
Word Count: 871
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own no Who, as usual.
Warnings: none
Summary: Post-"The Angels Take Manhattan." Amy dreams of film noir. Rory's jokes are terrible. Only so much has changed.
A/N: Written for such_heights, for fandom-stocking and inspired by her detective AU graphic.
under the cut )

doctor who, fanfic, fandom stocking, amy, rory

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vikingprincess January 9 2013, 01:24:15 UTC
What a sweet glimpse! I loved the tossed-off Rosie the Riveter comment.

Heh, maybe they're "grow up" to form UNIT....


ladymercury_10 January 9 2013, 01:42:56 UTC
Thank you very much! And that would be super neat if the Ponds had something to do with UNIT, wouldn't it? :)


lyricwrites January 9 2013, 03:58:19 UTC
Somewhere, there has got to be fic of Amy and Jo Grant bonding over fashion and lockpicks. Because the universe would be incomplete without such a thing.

I like this story, and I like the concept behind it. Amy would make such an awesome detective.


ladymercury_10 January 9 2013, 04:11:20 UTC
Thank you very much! such-heights is responsible for coming up with the idea, and it was a lot of fun to run with it! :P

Somewhere, there has got to be fic of Amy and Jo Grant bonding over fashion and lockpicks.
If there is not, you could always write it and complete the universe! :D


lyricwrites January 9 2013, 04:27:30 UTC
If there is not, you could always write it and complete the universe! :D

I probably will, eventually. At the moment, though, I'm just ridiculously tired. So, maybe sometime in the spring . . . not that I'll be getting enough sleep then, either . . . ah, well. Like I said, eventually.


ladymercury_10 January 9 2013, 04:56:57 UTC
Tired is no good. I hope you can get more sleep soon!


lyricwrites January 9 2013, 05:20:33 UTC
Thanks! The thing is, though, I'm going to have twins some time in February, so I'm fixing to go from limited sleep to less sleep. After that, it'll get better, but for a little while . . . (Don't get me wrong, I'm as excited as anything to be having babies. It's just that, realistically, I know I'm going to feel like a cartoon run over with a steam roller.)

I'm hoping to develop a Zen-like approach to tiredness, accepting it as it comes and thus robbing it of its power. I suspect, however, that the next few months are going to involve occasionally staring blankly at doorknobs and wondering how they work.


ladymercury_10 January 9 2013, 05:49:08 UTC
Ahhh, good luck with your sleep Zen, then! That definitely sounds intense. And I remembered the babies, but I didn't realize they were due so soon, best wishes and congratulations and such! :)


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