Fangirl All The Things

Nov 24, 2012 17:21

Wishing a happy belated Thanksgiving to fellow US-ians and a lovely weekend to all!  Having survived my midterms, I spent the first half of my Thanksgiving break overloading on comic books and graphic novels.  (Have I mentioned lately that I love the local library in the town where I go to school?  Because I do.)  And the library also got me the Seventh Doctor Audio "Night Thoughts," so I listened to that, and then I watched "Battlefield" today.  I meant to do a lot of writing, especially for yuletide, over the break, but I've mostly just been catching up on sleep and fangirling things.  Which, Ace and Shou Yuing are adorable together, and if there exists fanfiction of them having sleepovers and braiding each other's hair and exploding non-critical pieces of architecture, I would be much obliged if someone would tell me where it is.  And I expect I've found most of the Ace/Hex that exists, but I would so like to be proven wrong. :)

Just for my own reference, and in case anyone cares, the comics I was reading are:

Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
Batman: The Court of Owls
Nightwing: Year One
A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
and the first two issues of Li'l Gotham

Now with a postscript, because I remembered that I have More Doctor Who Thoughts, due to the Brig being in "Battlefield": According to TARDIS Index File, Kate Stewart was born in the early 70's, so does that mean that at some point she and Ace were roughly the same age and were hanging out and comparing notes on alien invasions?  Or maybe that's what they did when they grew up? :D

ace, comics, doctor who, seven, batman, general nerdery

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