pre-midterms music memery

Nov 09, 2012 23:32

Well, it's midterms again, so this is the lull before Cram All The Things begins in earnest.  I got my algebra take-home today, and I don't even understand it well enough to be properly mortified by how unprepared I am for it, but I need to start on it soon anyhow.  But for now it is still Friday, so here is a meme, stolen from isiscaughey:

List seven songs ( Read more... )

meme, music, general nerdery

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eve11 November 10 2012, 16:35:34 UTC
D is downloading an operating system right now so our internet is slow as all heck, but I did watch the Two Cousins video and I quite liked it :) Also I love that Regina Spektor song. And Iowa makes me think of college :) That whole album of hers was fantastic.


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 18:37:21 UTC
Yay! And I didn't know you liked Regina Spektor. :)

I have not heard a whole lot of Dar Williams, but perhaps I should listen to the rest of that album, now that you said that. Maybe while I'm banging my head against the group theory chapter of my algebra textbook, ha. :P


eve11 November 10 2012, 18:47:59 UTC
Maybe while I'm banging my head against the group theory chapter of my algebra textbook, ha. :P

Full circle then: that's certainly part of what I was doing when I was listening to it! :D Mortal City is the album; it also has "As Cool as I Am" and "Christians and the Pagans" among others. I knew all of the lyrics to all of that album at one point.

Yay, the internet is back up so I will check out your other songs too!


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 18:56:52 UTC
HAHAHA yes, it is the great Circle of Math. Sadly if I survive it there will not be partying with zebras and giraffes or getting lifted into a beam of sunlight, only the standard graduation paraphernalia. :P


eve11 November 10 2012, 19:18:06 UTC
Ha! Indeed.

The Dar Williams song they've been playing on the radio lately is I am the One who will Remember Everything from her new album. It's another one that's very sad though, about child soldiers and refugees in war zones.

Okay, all of the songs I'm recommending are sad. I should go find something happy damn it. (ETA: Christians and the Pagans is happy! Listen to that one too)


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 20:31:25 UTC
Yay, lots of songs! :D


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