pre-midterms music memery

Nov 09, 2012 23:32

Well, it's midterms again, so this is the lull before Cram All The Things begins in earnest.  I got my algebra take-home today, and I don't even understand it well enough to be properly mortified by how unprepared I am for it, but I need to start on it soon anyhow.  But for now it is still Friday, so here is a meme, stolen from isiscaughey:

List seven songs ( Read more... )

meme, music, general nerdery

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lusimeles November 10 2012, 06:04:33 UTC
two cousins is flawlessssssssssssss


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 06:18:24 UTC
It's the best, right? :D I also really like their song "Our Most Brilliant Friends," but only the first half (it's like ten minutes long). And "Apples and Pairs" is pretty good as well.


lusimeles November 10 2012, 06:19:29 UTC
i haven't really heard a lot from them, but i am definitely putting them on my to-listen list now. they seem great! i love that sort of neo-retro stuff...


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 06:23:18 UTC
I only started listening to them pretty recently, so I haven't heard that many of their songs, either. You should tell me if you find any good ones! :)


lusimeles November 10 2012, 06:25:02 UTC
if you want a more immediate rec, i've kind of been obsessed with emily wells' 'becomes the color' these days...


ladymercury_10 November 10 2012, 06:30:47 UTC
Oh, excellent! I will check that out, thanks. :)


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