The Angels Take Manhattan

Sep 29, 2012 15:54

I watched on a really crappy proxy stream, and I got like five hours of sleep last night, so this is probably not super coherent.  But anyway, initial reactions!  Largely cut-and-pasted from my responses to other people's reaction posts, as that's one way to collect your thoughts....

spoilers under the cut! )

eleven, doctor who, amy, river song, rory

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ladymercury_10 October 2 2012, 05:44:24 UTC
I think 1930s is a pretty safe bet. The typewriter Amy had looked old-ish. And, I mean, there were a lot of crappy things in the past, but if you took your grandkids and dropped them now, they'd say the same about 2012. I think there are lots of fun possibilities--Amy going all Rosie the Riveter, and Rory being an awesome medic in a military hospital, and both of them not really caring about outdated gender norms and just being their fantastic selves even if everyone thinks they're weird. It'd be tough at times, but if anyone could make it work, it'd be Amy and Rory--if you can make it as a 2000-year-old plastic Roman and a middle-aged robot-fighting DIY ninja, you can do anything, right? :P

That's true, she did say the last time. And yeah, the age thing confuses me. But how did a toddler make it out of NYC and time travel to the 90s, then? Maybe Mels lied about it being her most recent regeneration? Or maybe Amy and Rory found toddler Melody and helped her find a way to Leadworth? Maybe River came back and got herself with the Vortex manipulator. I have no clue. This is making my brain hurt. I think I just have to pick a headcanon, and wishful think away the plotholes.


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