Who wants a comment ficathon? :-)

Sep 26, 2012 18:45

Coming this Sunday, hosted by sarah531 and ladymercury_10!

Missing the Ponds already? You're not alone! We figured the world could always use more Amy/Rory fic, and especially after this Saturday. Whether you want something fluffy to cheer you up, something angsty for all your finale-induced tears, or just more Amy and Rory in general, you're more than welcome at the Amy/Rory Cheer-Up Comment-A-Thon! As is always true of ficathons, the more, the merrier--please do stop by, whether to prompt, write, or read! The more people we can get to participate, the better, so if you'd like to help promote, feel free to reblog this post on Tumblr or spread the word wherever you like!

A ficathon post will go up Sunday afternoon (UTC time zone). More details to follow soon!

(lovely banner made by sarah531)

doctor who, fanfic, amy, amy/rory ficathon, rory

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