I wrote meta?

Sep 02, 2012 13:49

Historically speaking, I’ve not been much for writing meta, but I am a recovering English major and writing mathematical proofs is really not the same as writing literary analysis.  So.  Here I am.
spoilers for )

eleven, meta, doctor who, oswin, amy, rory

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honeynoir September 2 2012, 20:33:05 UTC
That last paragraph... *wibble*


ladymercury_10 September 2 2012, 20:52:19 UTC
I have so many Oswin feelings. O_O

But apparently I have not uploaded my Oswin icons yet? So Data, instead?


honeynoir September 2 2012, 21:00:48 UTC
Meee too... I thought I had feels when we got Vincent and Nasreen and Canton and Rita, but the Oswin feels take the cake.

Yay! Oswin is obvs the Data of Who.


ladymercury_10 September 2 2012, 21:04:27 UTC
Right? Oswin feels are in a class of their own. I can't stop reblogging "I am human" photosets every time I go on Tumblr. It's a problem.

Haha, I always like the not-humans who manage to become human. Like Data and Spock. And the TARDIS, in "The Doctor's Wife."


honeynoir September 2 2012, 21:10:59 UTC
Uh, I have that same problem. I actually have to ~restrain myself and queue stuff.

They are all awesome!


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