fangirling over comics

Aug 10, 2012 17:43

Have been on a Batman kick since I saw The Dark Knight Rises last week.  On shinyjenni's suggestion, I checked out Stephanie Brown's Batgirl run and I am loving it.  The trades are starting to get pricey since the whole New 52 reverted Batgirl to Barbara Gordon, but I've gotten a bunch of issues fairly cheap as digital comics and I found a good deal on the second trade online, so I ordered that today. I'm reading issue #5 right now and laughing my head off.  Steph is funny, awkward, hardworking, kindhearted, and snarky.  She's an underdog who's always full of hope--which can be a tricky thing to keep hold of in Gotham city.  Someone on Tumblr compared her to Spider-Man, and I think that's a really apt comparison--I think she might be a bit less angsty, though.  Ahh, Stephanie Brown, you rock, never change.

I also got a bunch of Batman trades from the library...I have way too many library books in general.  And then I think I might like to read Batwoman, after I'm done catching up on Stephanie Brown's run (which, sadly, wasn't all that long).  Although, keeping up with comics gets expensive kind of fast.

Does anyone have comics-related feelings to share?

comics, batman, batgirl, general nerdery

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