Apparently all of my updates are television updates now. I have no attention span when it comes to TV shows. Somehow I ended up watching a ten-minute clip of Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5 being generally fabulous. Babylon 5-watching flist, is this something I can expect on a regular basis if I start watching the show? I would watch a whole show
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And yes, Ivanova is "always this kick-butt and funny and smart".
Garibaldi is almost as much fun as Ivanova.
I can't speak for seasons 4 and 5 because I stopped watching before then, but seasons 1-3 are worth watching, at least.
Personally, I like Sinclair (Season 1) more than Sheridan (Season 2+), but apparently the rest of the universe disagrees.
And I would say season 4 is worth watching, but it sort of depends on what one is watching for, exactly.
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