Apparently all of my updates are television updates now. I have no attention span when it comes to TV shows. Somehow I ended up watching a ten-minute clip of Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5 being generally fabulous. Babylon 5-watching flist, is this something I can expect on a regular basis if I start watching the show? I would watch a whole show
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Start with season 1. It does start a bit slow, but as izhilzha says, there's plot stuff in there that you'll need later on. Plus, there's just some really good character interaction there.
If you're wanting just Ivanova, you can skip from the second-to-last episode of season 4 to the very last episode of season 5. Originally, they thought they were only going to get four seasons out of the planned five, so the series' final episode was filmed as part of season 4. When they suddenly got season 5, the finale was placed at the end of season 5 and is the only episode of that season that Ivanova appears in.
I do love the other characters as well. Garibaldi is just wonderful in seasons 1-3 (I grumble at what JMS did to him in 4 and 5) and is one of my favorites. Londo and G'Kar are equally amazing and have this brilliant character development arc over all five seasons. I like both Sinclair and Sheridan, and Delenn is lovely. OK, I like almost everybody on this space station.
I wish you lived closer, then I'd have an excuse to drag you over for a marathon. Heck, it's probably about time for me to marathon the series again anyhow.
Oh, I'd be lucky to get as far as the fourth season. I get really distracted when it comes to TV. I never even finished catching up on all the Tennant and Eccleston episodes of Doctor Who. >_<
OK, I like almost everybody on this space station.
Yay! That bodes well. :)
Maybe we should rewatch them and then flail over them together on LJ/chat! Except I have to see what the state of our Netflix is, since I'm home for the summer and my parents have been using it to marathon NCIS. And again, I get really distracted when it comes to TV....
Pretty much, once you hit season 3, it's almost like you need to watch 3 and 4 together in one huge gulp. Even if you're distracted.
Good to know!
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