Mar 24, 2004 23:25
Today was like most days lately...never enough time in the day to do everything that needs done. I think I shall put on my pj's sip my coffee (yea before sleep coffee is my favorite) and sleep well tonight.
I feel like a brand new woman in my warm cozy pj's.
It was warm today! It is supposed to be in the 60's-70's all week. I look forward to that, comon Spring....
I am in Cincinnati at Amy's house, decided to stay the night since I have been driving back and forth (45min) almost everyday or at least every-other. I try to stay here when I have things I can do the next day down here especially. I am working on the apartment tomorrow night, so I have to head back up sometime tomorrow afternoon. The bedroom has to be done by Friday and I am having some color choice problems! I cannot decide on what to paint the shelves in the bedroom, if I should continue with the moonstone trim or paint it the solid rust color. I am torn! My body is in agony but I ignore that mostly. I think its from my neck being bent back too much or climbing on things at an akward angle, overextending. I need more than anything decent sleep.
The dealings with the ex are slowely coming to a close...or maybe I am fooling myself by seeing an end at all to this situation. I do wish for it to be over soon.
The job hunt continues. I am staling on taking a dead end job but I have been putting it off for entirely too long, I have to find work by next week. If I have to work somewhere for peanuts thats what I am going to do. I am back at the place I bartended, Annie's, that laid me off in January a two days a week. They are hiring me since they are now out of the slow cold season. I might not start for a few more weeks, once it is constantly warm and business picks up. So, I have to get something by next week, I have been saying that for something like two weeks but now I am on a wire.
Money in the bank is a good sign. It isn't going to be there forever though, thats forsure. Money sucks! I know it would never work but I often think about being Amish....not because of their religion tho, because of their lifestyle. The barter system is so strange but it makes more sense to me, if you look at society as a people vs. politics. Oh my, am I talking about politics? How did that happen, next subject...
I move into my place on Sat. I can't wait! I am so excited but I worry too much about the little things, I just keep telling myself to just do what I can and let my mind be at peace as much as possible. I mean, how upset can you get at the trim paint getting on your lighter colored wall? Nothing you can do except fix it, it may have to wait until the next day but I am taking it like day at a time.
I am going to visit the Indian Mound tomorrow. That will be exciting I hope.
I ate dinner with Doug and his girlfriend Kate tonight. It was good, they are very good people and lots of fun to hang out with. It was a nice ending to an otherwise hectic day. MMMMM Sleep....