(no subject)

Jun 15, 2008 22:35

I just realized that it has almost been a year since I've written here.

I guess it is safe to say that I am done with LiveJournal. There are a few reasons for this:

a. I sit in front of a computer all day long at work and don't really want to do the same when I come home.
b. I have become less and less of a fan of publicizing my emotions and experiences. I keep a handwritten journal now, which I feel a lot more comfortable with.
c. LJ is addictive and I would often come home and do nothing but be on the computer. I would stay on it late at night and didn't want to wake up for work in the morning because I felt so tired. I am trying to use my time more productively. That's not to say anyone here doesn't... I am personally more productive when I'm not on here. It's one less distraction for me.
d. I was about to say "I'm old and no longer hip or interesting," but that isn't true. I am still hip. Maybe less interesting. I question this reason.

Updates on my life:

-I am still in Kansas and still with Greg. We just moved into a new apartment in Junction City. We are getting married on July 25, 2009.
-I have a new job. I am working as a public relations assistant at a local hospital. I am also working in the nursing home that the hospital owns as an office assistant. I love my job and the people I work with. I am glad I no longer work for the newspaper, even though I will miss the friends I made there.
-I experienced my first tornado warning the other night! I went into a crawl space as the sirens went off and prayed that everything would be okay. Everything was okay for us, but tornadoes hit nearby Chapman and Manhattan.
-I still miss my family everyday... especially on holidays like this one.
-I miss my friends everyday.
-I will be going to Mass. to be in my friend's wedding at the end of July- hooray! Only bummer: I will only be there for 3 days because I don't have much time to take off from work.
-I am trying to become a better, more positive person each day.
-I am happy.

I hate goodbyes... even small ones. So I won't say goodbye. I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know how you're doing by commenting! I may stop in here from time to time.

Thank you for reading and for caring. I hope to talk to you soon.

Lisa M.
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