Clever Gamble/Every Avenue

Mar 26, 2012 02:05

Leave it to Supernatural to find the ONLY loophole in the whole damn world for me to be able to forgive Cas for breaking Sam's wall. The only one. And naturally it still made me an asshole around here because I was HAPPY when the episode ended and everyone else was fuming. I wouldn't wish the burden of Lucifer on anyone, but I'm not sorry that Cas took it from Sam. It made sense. It was the right thing to do. And I'm deeply grateful and moved by Castiel's final sacrifice.

I'm a little sad they left him there though, and a little pissed at Dean for thinking he could trust Meg to watch over Cas, but I'm sure it will get sorted out. I still have hope for Cas.

^^ I wrote that yesterday and forgot to post it xD

So I'll tack my concert review for Every Avenue on it now.

It wasn't awesome. There was two good opening bands named Simple As Surgery and We Are The In Crowd. And also two really really terrible bands. And one mildly decent one.

And then Stephanie got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer which kind of shot my mood. I'm sure it wasn't proper rock show etiquette, but I screamed at a couple crowd surfers. Meh. They were pissing me off. There was only about 100 people on the floor tops, not nearly enough to crowd surf over.

So Every Avenue came out... and they weren't awesome. It bummed me out pretty hardcore. The lead singer was just kind of making noise into the mic and I couldn't really decipher what songs he was singing until a couple lines in. Plus, they are from Michigan, so all their veteran fans were there, which made them play all their really old stuff that I haven't heard. And only 3 songs I knew. So not only were they not that good, I couldn't even sing along and try to get over it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to rock out to their CDs because I still like the music, but I probably won't see them live. We didn't even bother waiting for autographs.

It's so weird because I haven't ever been to a concert where they weren't as good or better than their studio sound. Adam Lambert (Alison too) and David Cook were outstanding, Framing Hanley rocked my face off, Ludo was perfect and Tommy and the High Pilots are WAY better live. And several other bands that I can't think about. All were good. Apparently I'm spoiled.

Have you ever been disappointed by a band's live performance?

because i know you care what i think, every avenue, supernatural, i live for concerts

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