Mar 08, 2012 14:16

I have a project due Tuesday, a 20 minute presentation, and I haven't even started. AHHHH!!! It's not that I dont' have any ideas, because I have tons, but I just can't make myself focus. I even took an adderall and all I can do is clean my house lol.

So. If I am online, yell at me. (However I may literally be using tumblr for inspiration so don't yell at me for being there xD)

And also, the girl that did her presentation today did it so fucking well, I am embarrassed to have to go after her. It was so fucking on par and well organized and enchanting. Enchanting! Have you ever watched a presentation from someone in school and been totally into it like you were watching a fucking movie? No, you haven't. You're usually dying to check your phone or sleep or flog yourself, anything but pay attention to the rambling people. So yeah, before I had all this confidence that mine was going to rock, but now I'm like. Intimidated. Because that seriously set the bar, and I won't even come close. Nobody else has come close. So I guess I should just suck it up and do my best anyway. But it was just so cool. Ten bucks says she converted someone in that room to Paganism xD


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