Just the rundown of how I feel about all the guys. If any of you still care xD
But my PERSONAL top 5 would be: Casey, Jovany, Paul, Jordan and.... eh... Jacob or Clint, I guess. I can't even pick a top 5 out of 12 xD
Brett is weird. Just weird and he makes me uncomfortable which is ironic since he's all kumbaya and hand holding. He sings weird and moves weird. Did I mention he's weird?
Casey. Haaaa Casey. He reminds me of Normund Gentle so much and yet the judges are eating it up. Simon would just die if America voted him through during his days on Idol. But he's adorable and over the top in a good way. I like him. Plus he is all Seth Rogeny and that's awesome.
Clint is just... I don't even know. I guess he's good but so, so not star quality and lets be honest, his glasses are fucking retarded.
Jacob is not my kind of singer, but I see where people think he's good. I don't think Jesus Christ pissed him down from Heaven for the whole nation to behold in all his glory like the judges seem to think, though.
James Durbin... Do I really need to say anything? The fact is, I can't say anything without being a hypocrite. I'll just let Adam's most recent tweet speak for me. (Even Adam is side-eyesing this guy.)
Jordan, I was sad to see him fall apart like that. I think he could be good, but I haven't seen the Hollywood stuff so I can't really judge from past performances. He looks like Seal though and I want him to sing Kiss From a Rose.
Jovany... he's a'ight. I don't hate him, but I'm not in love with him yet.
Paul is like the love child of Bradley Cooper and a feminine Gerard Butler (lol oxymoron). They bashed people all night for being too copycat and he couldn't have sounded any more like Rod Stewart if they had Rod Stewart do a voice over. Plus, that song is sacred to me. My dad has always sang it to me since I was little so I don't want to hear anyone sing it but him. However, I have nothing bad to say about his vocals so I guess he can stay.
Robbie - Holy crap I don't care about this guy. He's got no chance. I didn't even remember what song he'd sang until the final recap reel. Sorry dude.
Scotty... Oh, Scotty. You look so weird singing country songs with your big deep voice and five year old face. But annoying accent aside, damn he's pretty. And I love Josh Turner so his voice is pleasing to me. I don't think he should go any further in the competition though because he's SUCH a one trick pony, it will get old so fast. Plus they would just set a Disco or R&B trap for him and he would fail horribly anyway. Unless he pulled a Ring of Fire like Adam and countrified Hot Stuff by Diana Ross xD
Stefano - Don't care about him either. Whatever.
Tim I want you to do better. But I don't think you will. And I don't like you enough to root for you. Sorry, bud.
I love how all of a sudden being "quirky and over the top" is a virtue on this show instead of a setback to your performances. Lets be serious, if it weren't for people like Adam and Allison being as interesting and amazing as they were, half of these jokers wouldn't have made it through Hollywood. /biased opinion
tl;dr Please let James get hit by Adam's tour bus. And I miss Season 7, because that is still the best. I've been spoiled.