Get comfortable

Feb 08, 2011 14:51

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

One: It kills me to watch you sit down and wait to die. That is no life to live; I don’t care if you are blind.

Two: God you are so disgusting, rude and weird. Truth is, I’m slightly scared I’ll wind up just as disgusting/weird/rude as you later in life.

Three: ♫ I’m the one who wants to be with you, deep inside I hope you feel it too. ♫

Four: You don’t realize how much you tear me down every day. I wish I could delete the word “hate” from your vocabulary.

Five: I wish I could delete the word “FML” from your vocabulary, and also “Mexicans.”

Six: You’re snoring in the chair right now, homie.

Seven: If we didn’t have mutual friendships that depended on us being friends, I would probably drift away from you.

Eight: I’m sorry I abandoned you.

Nine: And you.

Ten: And you.

Nine things about yourself.

1 - I don’t care as much about politics as I should because my friends don’t care.
2 - I am only confident on the internet.
3 - I wish I could drink more often than I get to. My friends are kind of squares when it comes to drinking.
4 - I love to sing, all the time, but I’ve always felt inferior because my voice doesn’t sound like the “good” kids in choir.
5 - I hang out with gamers, and yet I hate games. Pretty much all kinds. Computer, console, facebook… I like an occasional card game or two, but it loses my interest so fast, and sometimes that comes between me and my video gameaholic friends.
6 - I’m not as easy to get along with as I think I am.
7 - Fanfiction and slash has ruined my ability to enjoy regular literature. If there’s not dudes boning in it I don’t care to read it… which sincerely limits the amount of sources I have.
8 - Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever.
9 - I’m so fucking bored right now, but I don’t know how to tell my friend to STOP playing Lego Harry Potter and pay attention to me, dammit. (See: #5)

Eight ways to win your heart.

A - Make me laugh, obviously.
B - Be concerned about your surroundings (politics, family, future) but also…
C - Be able to let go of reality for a while and think entirely in hypothetical situations and fantasize freely.
D - Share your feelings with me, and be prepared to be empathic about my feelings too.
E - Wear nice jeans. Yep, I love jeans. On men and women.
F - Love animals as much as I do.
G - Be interested in what I am into, even if you’re not into it.
H - Open mindedness about sex, politics, lifestyles, etc, even if I’m not. Especially if I’m not, and keep me in check so I don’t judge thoughtlessly.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

♦ Amanda
♦ Gay porn/plot bunnies
♦ My friends
♦ Role Play Characters/Relationships
♦ My health, and it’s insistence on failing me.
♦ What’s for dinner. Because my grandma asks me incessantly every single day.
♦ My dad

Six things you wish you’d never done.

~ I think the biggest regret in my life is how I treated my great grandma.
~ I wish I would have never went out to see Kara and Nikki
~ I wish I hadn’t leaked a bunch of shit to VFTW
~ I wish I didn’t slack off in high school, so I didn’t get to go to an actual university and have the college experience
~ I wish I never would have told Christa I was in love with her
~ I wish I wouldn’t have encouraged Melissa’s drinking habit back in high school, because I feel like it contributed to the unhealthy lifestyle she lives now

Five people who mean a lot (in no particular order)

Sara, my soul-pouring, advice-giving, heart and soul, be-there-no-matter-what friend, the strongest pillar of friendship I’ve ever had on the internet

Belinda, my gay sex queen sister, and also the most generous, kind person I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, the one that makes me see the world in a different perspective almost every time I read her posts

Daisy, my texting buddy, my teacher and writing role model, and also the one who gets my sense of humor, sense of sexuality, sense of curiosity more than anyone

Grandma, the one that drives me absolutely insane, but has given a lot of her life and time trying to take care of me

Amanda, my best friend, the one I can talk to for hours and hours, never get tired of seeing, and is a constant muse in my life

Four turn offs.

-Chewing tobacco
-Greasy hair (David Cook, I’m lookin’ at you and wondering how you slipped by that one.)

Three turn ons.

+Sex appeal/confidence
+Singing ability

Two images that describe your life right now, and why.

Chad panda and Joel wuff. I don't know how to explain it other than these stuffed animals represent the last year of my life. Chad is Amanda's, Joel is mine.

Another purely symbolic thing in my life. Pencils, which represent what I have spent countless hours playing with, planning with and laughing at. They represent all the characters in our RP, 36 pencils to be exact. Playing with them means you randomly draw one and it's the character with whom that color is assigned to, which you usually draw another character pencil and decide if they are fucking, punching or a plethora of other things to/with each other. I wish it didn't sound so lame, because it's my favorite game in the whole world xD

One confession.

Somewhere on the internet… there is a video of me pouring hot wax on my boobiez. Don’t ask.

I would never have done this over ten days, and it just sounded fun, so I did it all in one sitting. What’s difference? You’d get all the same information any way xD

sebastian to my joel, word up!, random, because i know you care what i think, your mom's a horcrux, hypocrisy is my middle name, yay, meme, politics make me crazy, srs bsns, because im a sheep, this is humiliating, my friends are awesome, don't hate me, omg pictures, sometimes my friends are notawesome, boring, i rp to not be me, another fucking meme, cleanin' out my closet, clionona is my sex queen sistah, real life, my body hates me, you should check this shit out

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