Harley Parker and Drake Malloy, A Love Story

Dec 13, 2010 23:54

: Yeah she was just reading a lot I guess xD
: I've been thinking about doing that.. taking like a week out of my life to just hole up and read. I feel like I never read anymore
: I knooooow I could totally pretend I could do that
: but would definitely fail
: I mean I read what I write and the little bit that's posted in the guild... but never a fucking book, a fucking book, nigga.
: yeah I need a book, find me a good homo book and I will be absorbed from cover to cover
: >.> I've been looking through the gay fiction on Amazon kindle.... which you totally do not need a kindle to read, by the way, and have been having a hard time finding anything that's not like, harlequin type shit
: I do not want a gay romance novel. I want a gay drama that has romance in it.
: yup
: no thanks for the harlequin shit
: I mean sometimes porn is just naturally that cheesy
: but I promise to never mention the GLORY of Chad's manhood, even if I reference it's magnificance in passing xD
: the other problem...I would want something with a fandom...a good one
: and that is ALL I ask of you lolol
: Fat chance.
: You can't make novels out of fandom xD
: I want to comission a famous author to write me fanfic. Like. Hey, Rowling, I'd really like you to write me a gay drama a la Romeo and Juliet style in which Harley Parker and Drake Malloy have to fight for their forbidden love.
: rofl that would be so ridiculous xDD
: Harley is shot in a gang fight protecting Drake, so Drake goes on a vengence rampage and murders everyone, until that last bitch named Gina Wesley shoots him point blank.
: That's the sequel
: ....what an unfortunate sequel xD
: Well it's Romeo and Juliet knockoff! xD
: they both have to die, duh
: oh I missed that part xD
: But little does the gang know, Harley and Drake had a baby with surrogate mother Lucy Lovitt, who will one day wipe out the entire population, which has of course been turned into Zombies by a medical mishap by scientist Sylvester Slate.
: .....I am impressed by this nonsense xD
: I know, right? I almost want to write it xD I have no idea where it's coming from

... I almost wish I had left the time stamp in so you could see how utterly off the top of my head that was lol. So, who wants to pay me to write this novel? xD

lol, sebastian to my joel, aim, im a writer dammit

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