Updates and thanks and stuff!

Aug 06, 2010 22:10

First, I am a horrible terrible person, and didn't realize that the lovely enchanted_jae has given me TWO v-gifts, on two separate occasions! So thank you thank you for my sparkly glasses and waffles! ^_^

Secondly, WHAT IS MY LIFE? I don't even know anybody here anymore =( Even when I do have a couple hours to poke around on lj and stuff, everyone is like, into different shit, and the fandoms have gone in different directions and just... I don't even know how to jump back in if I wanted to. I mean I realize this is nobody's fault but my own, but damn. It sucks not having a home on the internet.

Lasty, I miss you guys and my internet life.

But I have not lost my spirit! I'm doing really good, health wise, and it's like all the cogs and wheels finally line up right in my body. It's a nice feeling to not have to take a handful of pills for breakfast. I'm still struggling with pain a little, but it's so much better than usual. And (TMI) my period is regulating without any medicinal/hormonal help, which is something I haven't had since I was 13, also excellent.

But see, every time I feel like I'm finally better, something else goes wrong. So I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know? I hope fate is out of shoes by now, because really, I'm tired of being walked on.

So here's a list of awesome/lame stuff, a la clionona's A/L lists xD
♦ Got my period
♦ Having fun playing D&D with my friends, instead of begrudging them for playing.
♦ Writing over 9,000 words for Amanda in the last week or so.
♦ Glee S2 spoilers/teaser info! ^_^
♦ Archie's new video! <333
♦ Seeing a shitload of amazing/awesome movies lately. (Inception, Mysterious Skin, Latter Days, etc.) [bonus points if you just said to yourself 'all of those movies have Joseph Gordon-Levitt!' because you're right]
♦ Going to my maternal grandma's house for a couple days!
♦ Emma Watson cut her hair and she still looks gorgeous as ever!
♥♥ Prop 8 getting overturned, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger filing a motion demanding gays and lesbians be allowed to resume getting married immediately!!!

And then the shitty shit.
» Having SO much to pay for an no extra money. (Dad and Step mom's b-day, Steph's b-day, Ludo concert in Ohio, Youmacon...)
» Got my period. You get used to not having one, that's for sure.
» Haven't got to see Charlie St. Cloud yet! =(
» Amanda not being able to go to my grandma's with me.
» Feeling like I'm too judgmental sometimes.
» Financial Aid screwing with me, not granting me money so I can take classes in the fall.

A meme to come soon too! This post is already a mile long xD

so im a girl now, shits deep son, sebastian to my joel, my friends are awesome, thats so gay, word up!, i rp to not be me, i love my narcotics, homophobia can diaf, clionona is my sex queen sistah, broke ass bitch, my body hates me, you should check this shit out, hypocrisy is my middle name

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