(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 11:04

So as promised I am going to reread all of the HP books, mostly for my own amusement. I decided to post my thoughts and what not because a) It will be interesting in light of the new book. b) I hope to perhaps get people thinking. And finnally, c) I am bored.

First off I wanted to list all of the characters that are introduced in this chapter. It's a lot! And yay first mention of Sirius. :)

Sirius Black
Rebeus Hagrid
Lily Potter
James Potter
Harry Potter
Petunia Dursley
Dudley Dursley
Vernon Dursley
Albus Dumbledore
Madame Pompfrey (Poppy)
Minerva McGonagall
Tom Marvolo Riddle (aka Voldemort)
Dedadlus Diddle

I always loved that the first chapter is called "The Boy Who Lived." But truthfully what else could you name it? I mean honestly, the chapter is about a boy who survived a direct attempt at killing him. It is due to that fact that we still read the books, part of us wants to know exactly how Harry could of survived that night. Was it more than just his mother's sacrifice? Perhaps not but one thing is certain we will find out more about that night in Godric's Hollow in the seventh book.

Anyway, what I did find interesting about this chapter is it is primarily told from Vernon Dursley's perspective. Was anyone else surprised Vernon recognized Harry's name?

Anyway, more thoughts on this later but I need to go before I'm late for work.

I want to go out this weekend...we shall see how that goes. I'm beyond broke though so who knows.

I hate men...I think I'm going to convert to lesbianism...is that a word? I think I would make a crappy lesbian though.

harry potter, life

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