Way behind on my chapters but here we go..

Jul 31, 2005 22:53

Thanks for the input on Chapter One it's nice to hear other people's thoughts and such okay now we are getting into the real substance of the book at Spinner's end.

The first the I noticed is how antzy Bella was she immediately assumed that aurors would be guarding Snape's home and kills a fox on spot. The second thing is that Snape lives in a muggle area, one that Narcissa and Bellatrix generally wouldn't go into. Why? Who knows really...but doesn't he look a little odd in this neighborhood?

I loved seeing Narcissa and Bella show the sibling rivalary and love. We see that Narcissa is so focussed on her mission that she is willing to even kill her sister. I loved that about it.

The point of chapter is very clear to me it is to a) Make us feel like we can't trust Snape. B) To make us realize that Snape is surviving only because he doesn't lie he tells the truth point blank. Very Slytherin..he will go with the winning side he is in it for himself. On the same token, his job could be just to survive.

Just some random thoughts: Is the unbreakable curse evil? Is there a way to break it? I would have liked to know that. Did Snape actually know the plan or did he use occulemency to get the info. from Narcissa? I personally think that he didn't know the plan...

Also, who is better at occulemency Voldie or Dumbledore. I don't know if we shall ever know this really. But if it is Dumbledore is this why he fears him so?

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