Jan 16, 2006 21:34
I am a firm believer that my dreams hold no symbolic meaning. Everything that peeks its head in has a tracable source. Plus, it's a little arrogant to say that dreaming of your teeth falling out means that you're in store for a big change. You could say that about dreaming of dog shit. And who's the expert on dreams anyway? They are way too personal to "study" in such a broad way.
So, a while back I had this trilogy dream. It was right before I'd gotten my braces on. Part 1 took place in my orthodontist's office (which it wasn't) and I was getting my braces put on except I was laying face-down in a massage chair. Because that makes total sense. Lauren is there being all friendly and supportive. Duffy comes in wearing 17 layers of clothes and I can't stop laughing.
Part 2 begins with my stepdad coming in and making a huge fuss about having to be somewhere. We search and search for the rental car to take us to the actual car. This keeps going for a while.
Part 3: enter the giraffe. We drive to this overpass where a huge giraffe is trapped and the cops are trying to shoot it with tranquilizers. This giraffe however has the face and ears of a chihuahua. HUH?
Last night I had another trilogy dream. Me, Jeff, and some guy were in space. Just sitting on a balcony that was hovering in space. And Jeff was sitting on an exercise ball. I was sitting on the railing staring at the moon when I realized that I was high. We had been passing around what looked like an aerosol whipped cream container that had methane gas in it. I freaked out and hid.
Part 2 is hard to describe. I was standing in front of this house in my parents neighborhood and was playing a game that resembled text twist. Except you had to name all of the characters from old tv shows like Full House and Home Improvement. A line of cars drives by like the fucking mafia and then...
Part 3: It is apparent that I'm the slayer. People are after me and have formed a demon club in the back of my parent's hood. (Which is funny, because Jeff always swore that vampires lived back there). There is some kid with me that I have to protect for some reason or another. We go to this safe house and the secret knock is a weight machine that only the slayer can do 10 reps on.
Then I woke up.