Sep 14, 2009 12:28
Last July, I fell on some stairs at work and sprained my right ankle. After walking on it for three months, thinking it was a sprain, I found out it was broken. It took nearly a year to get the bone knit, and then a few more months of physical therapy. I was just declared "healed" in mid-August, over a year after the initial injury.
This morning, I missed a step on the stairs leading down from the porch and wrenched my left ankle.
You have got to be kidding me.
(I don't think it's quite as bad as the last time, as I can put some limited weight on my foot, and I'm currently home with my foot up on an ice pack and some Vicodin. Haven't gone to the doc yet, but since the ER missed the break the last time, I'm disinclined to do much until the swelling has gone down and I've got a better idea of what's going on.)