Jul 30, 2013 08:13
I grew up in a multigenerational household and the music of my childhood was rich and diverse. My grandparents loved swing, opera and jazz. My mom was partial to James Taylor, 3 dog night, Gordon Lightfoot, Peter Paul and Mary, and Cat Stevens. My aunts varied in musical tastes from the beach boys, to oldies, to the hair bands of the 1980's. To this day I have a liking for a wide swatch of musical groups and am very into singer/songwriters just like my mother is.
My son regularly makes comments about the music of his childhood. My kids have all told me that they cherish the music they grew up on, The barenaked ladies, Sarah McLachlan, and others. My oldest fell in love with Led Zepplin, ACDC, Metallica and other music that was commonly played in our home when she was a kid. Tayt has taken to more of my "alternative" tastes with Green Day, Sublime, Ramones, and other music that he's heard his whole life. Caillie's mp3 player is totally filled with a mix-match of Scott and my favorites and some she's found on her own.
So this has led me to believe that the soundtrack of life, the songs that follow us, that define us, and that gains meaning the longer it sticks, isn't just what we like, but is strongly influenced by the other people in our world. And that is pretty awesome!