Jul 05, 2013 12:59
I never had "funeral clothes" before. Now I'm thinking I may need to make sure I have something set aside that is appropriate since I seem to have reached an age where my friends are leaving this world.
Until the age of 40 I can count how many funerals/memorials I've attended on 1 hand. But the last year has been a steady stream of people in my life passing away. This time it was a friend whose death is both shocking and sad for me to hear. She's leaving 3 boys (18, 14, 10) behind and I'm not sure who is going to finish raising them. She was my neighbor for many years and a good friend. I'm very sad to hear of her passing.
I'm now scrambling to see if I can arrange to go in a bit late tomorrow so I can go pay my respects to her family and boys.
This is not a part of getting older that I was particularly looking forward to... dammit.