Apr 20, 2009 04:33
I've know this news for a while now but I just until now I haven't wanted to talk about it.
My Mum has been diagnosed with a terminal disease called Wedgeners Granulomatosis. This is a very rare disease so rare most doctors haven't heard of it and though this is meant to be impossible my Aunt in England also suffers from the same diease. There is no cure only slowing the progression of it as it is terminal. At the moment she is in a form of remission but we don't know how long that will last.
The doctors say Mum could have as little as 2 years or up 15 depending on the progression of this thing.
I feel like some one has ripped out a part of me and I honestly do not know how I would cope in this world with out her. She has been by my side through everything. Mum even accepts the parts of me most mothers would run screaming. Her favourite joke is I had better never walk in a church because the shochwave would most likely total the town.
Blessed Be Mom May the goddessess watch over you.
bad news