The show was FABULOUS, held at the Roseland Theater at 6th and Burnside in downtown Portland. Got there with no mishaps, spent some time in the bar having drinks (Cokes for me, I was DD) and smokes...I totally bummed a clove off some random guy and you know what? I was able to enjoy it and not die for another one.
She Wants Revenge was on at 10, they were absolutely wonderful and I had a great time. Shari's after for breakfast food then home and fell into bed about 1:45. That alarm went off at 6 this morning and it made me want to cry. But I did it.
Anyway, pictures!
The pre-show hotness by Tonya's Halloween tree. Me, Britta and Tonya. Kino Kolts represent! (*laugh*..we all went to Kino Jr. High together, so that's what THAT is about.)
And then some cellphone shots at the show. Standing only, I was about 12 feet from the stage.