Samurai Showdown

Mar 26, 2010 10:36

Godsdammit, Mary got me inspired again!!  I am scheming all the time about how to promote medieval Japanese culture in the SCA, which is one of my many nefarious plans.

This year or the next, at an event I am thinking of holding a meta-contest of sorts.  My ideas is to hold fun Japanese medieval-esque type of activities.  Below is my short list of ideas.  I would love to pick the collective brains of my LJ peeps too, so let'er rip.

1. Hanetskuki - Shuttlecock and Battledore, either badminton-like competition or a game of keep'em up

2. Some sort of relay race in geta (wooden platform sandals)

3. Poetry Contest - Tanka (5-7-5-7-7) composed on a theme perhaps, this is my favourite waka site <>

a&s, games, arts, pastimes, sca, contest, sciences, japanese, japan

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