May 04, 2006 18:14
Stalked again, a rant by ladymadonnasky.
gogoretrogrl is stalking ladymadonnasky
gogoretrogrl’s REAL name :
Noel Davies
gogoretrogrl’s REAL DOB :
25th March 1973
Height :177 cm
Weight : 81.5 kg
gogoretrogrl has dreamt about you :
23 times
gogoretrogrl became interested in you :
16th May 2004
gogoretrogrl’s latest dream about you
gogoretrogrl dreamt that you had got married to another person. gogoretrogrl produced a shotgun at the ceremony, blowing off your partners head before they could complete their vows with a close-range shot.
This is how gogoretrogrl describes your relationship behind your back
‘ladymadonnasky phoned the police on me again last night. I’m going to go around tonight and finish her off with my hunting knife.’
gogoretrogrl’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
You know the way all of your baby teeth mysteriously disappeared? Well gogoretrogrl has them.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
gogoretrogrl had their tongue pierced just to win your approval.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
Hug me. Kiss me. Fuck me.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
27 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"Police!?!? gogoretrogrl’s in my backyard again stealing clothes off of our washing line. This is the 10th time in a week for fucks sake."
gogoretrogrl’s Police File
gogoretrogrl is a dangerous psychopath who will not let anything get in their way. Particularly the law.
Testimonies about gogoretrogrl
janeinpodunk - Snorts Lucozade tablets
‘Jesus fuck! You’ve got to be joking?!??! gogoretrogrl? A pervert? It’s quite funny now I think about it. What an idiot!’
crzy4life66 - Eats everything.
‘Fucking hell! This is hilarious for all the wrong reasons. ladymadonnasky should really be in hospital receiving X-rays to the head.’
spam_and_eggs05 - O’Vomit-a-lot
‘gogoretrogrl’s obsession with breastfeeding should have acted as an insight into their warped mind. I can’t believe I overlooked it for so long. Jesus.’
says the stalking queen...