Username meme

Mar 15, 2007 22:10

Found someone with the Username Meme on their LJ and I decided to have a go at it. Hey, it's talking about myself and of course I'm going to do that. I just LOVE talking about myself. That's why I'm ON LiveJournal in the first place! :^)

Supposedly there are some dumb rules I have to post, so, like the Academy Awards, here they are: Rule: Post the explanation of where your username came from. Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged post the explanation to your page.

Hmm... I don't know if I even KNOW ten people to tag.

One day my ex-husband, before we were married and shortly after we met (which is not very long a time, actually, because we got married 3 weeks after our first meeting), plopped me in front of a dumb computer terminal and asked me if I knew how to type. He needed to get some of his Computer Science homework done (he was a CSc major at Cal Poly, SLO) and wanted to keep me entertained because I had nothing better to do. He logged me into a MUD (I think the dumb terminal comment should have clued you in that this was way back donkey's years, but if it didn't, then my reference to a MUD should suffice to reveal how very long ago this was) and asked me what I wanted my login name to be. I don't know why I did it, really. Maybe it was some deep seated memory from another time-gone-by, but I chose the name Lyssa. And I've never stopped using it since.

I'm here to announce that I was the first, very first, Lyssa on the internet.

Anyway... A while later I re-watched the movie Krull and discovered that in it were two characters by the name Lyssa, and it occurred to me that maybe that's the memory that inspired me to choose Lyssa... but I don't know. All I know is that when he asked me what name I wanted to use, I wasn't thinking about Krull.

When I signed on to LJ for the first time, Lyssa was already taken (it's mine, damnit, MINE!), so I added Lady in front of it 'cause I didn't NOT want to use Lyssa, having already used it for something like 12 or 13 years. Shortly thereafter I met the man who would become my current husband, and he introduced me to the SCA, and now that I have my Award of Arms I can actually use the title Lady and it's official. I even selected an SCA name just for the purpose of being able to bastardize it into the nickname Lyssa: Aelesia Marschal, a 13th c. Anglo-Norman Lady of the upper middle class. (Actually, that name too is amusing because A.M. are my RL initials.)

Tired, going to bed. Been building a "Square Foot Gardening" garden in the back yard. Mixed dirt all night. Need to shower but I'm too tired. Anti-bacterial hand soap counts, doesn't it?

Countdown: 118:18:07:35
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