sorry its been so long

Feb 09, 2008 14:12

so quick update just to let you all know i'm still alive.  my job has unfortunately become just that - a job.  i'm glad its only a year gig because i wouldn't want it any longer than that.  however, its not that bad and it could certainly be much worse, so i'll take it

law school update - i ended up applying to 6 schools.  I've heard back from 4:  Duquesne - accepted with a full scholarship.  Temple - accepted with a full scholarship.  WVU - accepted, but they don't give scholarship notifications until March.  Quinnipiac - accepted, 25,000 scholarship gaurunteed, full scholarship a possibility but i won't be given notification until March.

Pitt and Minnesota are the last two to hear from.  My number one choice is Pitt - i really want a scholarship from them.  They are a good school, and they are here.  And since Jeff is in a really good job that he really likes I would hate to take him away from it, although he says that he's willing to move anywhere I want to go - he's so sweet.  Also, I think my mom might be going to pitt for her masters in nursing, so that would be awesome to be at the same school as my mother - because she is pretty much the coolest person i know.

On a weird note, I've been dancing a lot lately, and with Jason Jackson - a blast from the past.  And I start choreography for 1776 in a couple weeks - and Jason, Cody Sweet and Jeff are all in it, and Barbara is directing it...haha.

thats about it neighbor apparently just bought a motorcycle...a very very pretty motorcycle....i might go ask for a ride
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