Survey stolen from Juliegrrl

Aug 30, 2004 02:52

1) What's the first person you slept with's middle name? Shaun

2) What kind of underwear are you wearing?  Green Bikini Hanes Her Way

3) What song do you want played at your funeral?  Something fantastic and bluesy

4) What is the number of your sluttiest friend?  totally classified...locked down even

5) What would your last meal be before being executed? A strawberry milkshake, and brocolli casserole (I'm a creep, I know)

6) Beatles or Stones?  Stones

7) If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?  I dont hate anyone enough to wish them dead, so...I dunno

8) The person whose problems you wouldn't want to hear? Ummmm...Probably Donald Trump....what the hell does that fool have to complain about??

9) What is the thing most important to you about the preferred sex?  Warm heartedness

10) Do you secretly hate some of your friends, but are too nice to reject them?  I wouldn't say necessarily friends...but I am usually pretty nice to everyone, even if I don't particularly care for them.

11) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Foresight. Definitely.

12) Favorite hangover cure? Water, water, a coke, water, and excedrine migraine.

13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? Depends on what I'm drinking...if its beer, at least 5 with a shot or three of 1800...mixed drinks..about four.

14) Favorite musical lyric? However far away, I will always love you, however long I stay, I will always love you, whatever words I say, I will always love you (Love Song(311) The Cure)

15) Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have? Mommy likes blondes!

16) If you had to be blind or deaf? Blind.

17) Do you have any psychiatric problems? Ummm. Yeah...probably. Anxiety is the only one I have been diagnosed with, though...(besides divorce depression)

18) Siblings that should go to rehab? One has went.

19) Least favorite month? Hmmm...I'm gonna have to go with July.

20) Favorite hateful thing to do to somebody? Ha...only one? I will, however, share a  few suggestions I have been given lately, horrendous though they may be... They make me glad my friends are my friends and not enemies; shitting in "hated on person"s clothes, bleaching, burning, or selling belongings, spraypainting base housing walls with "cheater" and slut"...etc.

22) Favorite person in the whole world? this very second in time I would have to say its a three way tie between my Abuelita, Melkins, and Kimmy-berly...

23) When's the last time you went on a date? Sadly, the end of July :(

24) Do you like violent movies or dirty movies? Bring on the porn!

25) Fall or spring? Fall.

26) Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? Terry the biter.

27) Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? Ummm...I think Oregon...or maybe I'll venture back up to the big A-K..

28) Who is the person you can count on the most? Myself.

29) If you could date any celebrity, past or present, time and age are not a factor? male-Luke Wilson, female-Charlize Theron

30) What books have you pretended to read? none...I'll read pretty much anything.

31) Words you'd use to describe your life? Hectic, drama-filled, scary, new, crazy, empty, full, independant.

32) What's your favorite drinking game? Ring of fire, asshole, German Slap, Go Fish, Phase 10

33) What did you dream about last night? Great sex, and falling....into the abyss.

34) What the hell was this question, anyway? Your guess is as good as mine.

35) What's the last thing you'd ever tell someone? That our relationship wasn't what it seemed. That's about the shittiest thing I've ever
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