TLP Lesson 1 - The Magician - The Power of the Journey

Jan 16, 2005 18:33

TLP Lesson 1 - The Magician - The Power of the Journey

Suddenly the Fool is a master, the Magician is sort of like a teenager who reads one book or hears one report and suddenly Knows It All. The Magician is an alchemist of a forgotten age or a scientist of the modern one. One who studies the nature of things, draws conclusions, and then makes changes to produce desired results. The Magician is about exerting one’s will on one’s environment, or even on the cosmos, pushing back against the predestination of astrology or one’s karma. From one angle the Magician is studying how things work, and from another angle, he is making things work.

Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. This and the story of the sorcerer’s apprentice are the two cautions that immediately come to mind when working magick or working change in one’s situation. Yes, you really do have the power, but do you know what you are doing with it? Are you ready for the consequences? The Magician uses tools or talismans. Lucky charms. This energy is how we put our energy and essence into physically tangible objects, and how such objects affirm memories and feelings within us. As Magicians, we use any tools that help us

Reversed Meaning
Blocked or stunted magick. The spell or effort backfires.
The desired effect either was not achieved, or was achieved and wasn’t really desired. Incorrect or damaged tool.
A learning experience.

The Magician’s appearance in a spread
This card is about microcosmic/macrocosmic resonance. Making a subtle change in one thing to effect a change in something else, or to effect change in the greater reality. The formulas and tools used to make change. The responsibilities and consequences of making change. True magick begins in the changes in your own heart and character. Impressive magick is in changing the perceptions of those around you. But consider changing your own perceptions first. It can’t be stressed enough that you need to fully consider all the ramifications of a change you are contemplating. The classic example is a young girl who wants a man to love her. Doing a spell to force his love can’t be satisfying because she knows that he only loves her because of the spell, therefore it is not love at all.

Magician Exercise
Candle Magick - Deck Attunement
Take a purple candle and inscribe it with your name and the name of your deck. ( A nut pick or paring knife makes an excellent tool.) Place the candle in an appropriate fire safe holder behind your deck. The purpose of this exercise to open your Third Eye Chakra or your psychic vision center to this deck as your tool for self guidance and positive change. (Adjust language of your purpose to suit.) Concentrate on your purpose, on your desire. Light the candle and rest your hand on your deck. Gaze into the flame and let thoughts about the deck in particular, and tarot reading in general, sift through your mind. Look at the deck card by card. Shuffle it and do a reading. Play with your deck as long as comfortable. Let the candle burn out or extinguish it to save for doing this exercise again at another time.

Alternate - Instead of a candle, use a crystal ball or bowl of water, an amethyst or flourite crystal, incense, aroma, or whatever meditation aid helps you open your psychic center.

Using the Magician to change your life
Manifest the Magician
To exert your inner will onto an external situation.

Banish the Magician
To call back your will or change it.

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