11 - The Strength - The Trial of the Journey
Tarot Life Planner Lesson 11
The Strength - The Trial of the Journey
Struggle makes you stronger. In some decks the man or woman pictured in the Strength card is struggling with the lion or other beast, in others she is gently leading him. In any case a lot of effort and strength has gone into achieving the final result - a controlled and therefore safe lion. This archetype is about inner strength and inner control. It’s actually a sign of weakness to beat something into submission. It takes much greater strength to work out an equitable compromise. True strength is found in personal honor and integrity.
Women are seen as having inner strength that has nothing to do with big muscles. This is strength of character, strength of conviction, endurance, tolerance, tenacity. We’ve heard of the tiny woman able to lift a car when her child was in danger. Such is the strength of love.
The Strength of this card is acquired through positive reinforcement, maintained through encouragement, and taught by setting the best personal example.
Reversed Meaning
Your inner strength and endurance are underdeveloped.
Hell hath no fury as that of a person scorned.
Strength is being used for a wrong purpose or against the wrong person.
It’s time for tough love.
The Strength appearance in a spread
In work with feral kittens consistent love and kindness is the key to getting the best results, a tame socialized lovable purring kitten that no longer hisses, spits, and hides in fear. You catch more with sardines than vinegar.
Strength Exercise
Strength of the Mountain
Use the Strength card or a card that pictures the quality you want to become strong in as a visual focus. Alternatively, you can use a candle flame or your favorite crystal. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply and well until you are both centered in yourself and grounded in existence.
Close your eyes and imagine your favorite mountain and the nature of mountains, how vast and strong they are, how they hold up and support all the trees, animals, and even houses resting on them. Connect your spirit to the mountain. Feel the strength and energy of the mountain flowing into you. Let the strength of the mountain fill you with strength, conviction, and endless endurance.
When you are full of strength to overflowing, thank the mountain and disconnect, letting your consciousness come back to your room. Let any overflow of energy sink down into the Earth beneath you. Open your eyes and program your visual focus to serve as a key to unlock the endless strength of the mountain within you.
Reinforce your strength whenever needed by looking at your visual focus.
Using Strength to change your life
Manifest Strength
To invoke physical, mental, or spiritual endurance.
Banish Strength
To banish rigidity or soothe stiff muscles.
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