TLP Lesson 8 - Justice - The Responsibility of the Journey

Aug 06, 2005 08:03

8 - Justice - The Responsibility of the Journey

Tarot Life Planner -  Lesson 8
Justice - The Responsibility of the Journey

People who pray for justice usually have no knowledge of the ancient Vedic laws of karma. Imagine if you had to die for every food animal that died for your food. That’s karma and that’s justice.

The Justice card reflects the energy of taking responsibility for your decisions and actions. All of your decisions and actions. Realize two things about Justice. One, you are responsible for the effects of your actions. And two, if you want an effect, you must take an action. The Justice card embodies the law of cause and effect.

Justice is a high ideal of society seeking fairness for its citizens, to recompense victims and punish evildoers and protect society from them. Yet justice is carried out by humans who are imperfect and make mistakes, thus compounding the very injustices they seek to redress. The balance of perfect Justice is the ideal. The double edged sword she holds is the reality.

Reversed Meaning
There is a lack of justice.
Life’s just not fair sometimes.

Justice’s appearance in a spread
This card often appears when there is a favorable law-related issue, like a favorable judgment or a helpful continuation in a legal case.

Justice Exercise
4 Card Relationship Reading Example

1  Present state of the relationship - Fool - beginning
2  Querent’s situation - High Priestess - esoteric
3  Partner’s situation - Emperor - authority
4  Advice or next step - Justice - responsibility

From June 17, 2001
The querent has a new relationship, the first serious relationship she has ever had, and this is clearly denoted by the Fool. A new beginning, the possibilities are endless. Yet she feels like she has fallen off a cliff and should be hitting bottom any second now - the dynamic opposition of the Fool.

Her situation is the High Priestess. No surprise. she is an intuitive reader and active pagan while her partner is not religious. Less than a day ago she was explaining the meaning of the pentacle to him.

She found it quite interesting that her partner is in Emperor space.  The Emperor is the tarot card she was actively manifesting in her life that year. It appears her partner is very much in control of and taking authority for his own life and actions. Maybe he is feeling authoritative in their relationship.

The advice or next step is clearly that if she wants an effect in this relationship, she needs to take an action. She must own her responsibility in what goes on in this relationship.

Using Justice to change your life
Manifest Justice
To fully accept responsibility for your actions and their results.

Banish Justice
To banish or minimize the effects of a wrongful legal decision.

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