TLP Lesson 5- The Hierophant - The Observer of the Journey

Mar 13, 2005 13:07

5- The Hierophant  - The Observer of the Journey

Tarot Life Planner -  Lesson 5
The Hierophant (Priest or Pope) - The Observer of the Journey

All societies, traditions and cultures have a guiding authority in addition to a governing authority; be it a priest, shaman, philosopher, etc. Someone who guides behaviors that aren’t the laws of government, usually morality and things that are perceived as good for society at large. This card represents the all-seeing eye of society on the individual’s actions, or an external conscience. It is letting the opinion of others guide your behavior, over your personal sense of right and wrong.

The Hierophant easily compares to Big Brother in a political or social light. The contrast between the High Priestess and this card, the High Priest, is the difference between true divinity and secular religion; the difference between experiencing a tangible relationship with the Goddess (insert your favorite higher power) and showing up for church on Sunday, or form without content. The difference between the Emperor and the Hierophant is the difference between state and church.

The Hierophant can be any ‘leader’ that controls the actions and decisions of others, for good or ill. Burn this card in sacred space when you leave the service of an oppressive harmful leader.

Reversed Meaning
The voice of the external conscience does not agree with your internal conscience.
You are merely seeking approval, not knowledge.
Society will not understand your action or choice.
The energy of the outcast.

The Hierophant appearance in a spread
In a reading it does pop up when querents (those who query) are considering unconventional conventions, like gay marriage. So while the 10 of Cups is about the emotions and all the nitty gritty of a successful long term devoted relationship, the Hierophant is about getting a  white dress and exchanging vows and rings in front of a crowd. That’s not a bad thing. Social convention, traditions, rules, and guidelines do a lot of good in society. But they can kill the spirit of the individual.

Hierophant Exercise
1 Card Reading Example

The one card Daily Draw is very popular among tarot readers and extremely useful as a learning tool.

Daily questions can be:
What is the most important thing for me to do today?
What is the most important thing for me to realize today?
What can I learn today?
What does the Universe want from me today?
What will help me today?

With any reading, start by calming and centering yourself and organizing your intent. Think about what you really want to know and how best to express it as a question. Shuffle and cut the deck as you like and draw one card to answer your question. Look at it, meditate on it, and think about it throughout the day. Note your realizations in your tarot journal.

Using the Hierophant to change your life
Manifest the Hierophant
To invoke an understanding of your place within society, custom, and tradition.

Banish the Hierophant
To banish Big Brother’s influence on your behavior.

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