Aug 11, 2006 09:07
my morning started our with a pop.....
because my bed at my mom's house is a twin size, when Sebastain stays over, we have an air mattress on the floor too. We take turns switching for eachother. i'm on the bed for a few nights, him on the mattress, then we switch for a few nights. well, last night was my turn for the mattress. this morning, i woke up about 20 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. knowing i had 20 more minutes of sleep, i sat up to turn over and *POP!*
my hand went right thru the mattress. it was a cheap one, so it was only about $15 and it lasted a long time for that price (longer than any mattress i've taken out to Faire) but i was so sad it had to pop BEFORE i was supposed to get up.
laughing at me, Sebastian moved as far over as he could on my little bed and i squished up next to him and we pretended to sleep until my alarm went off
one week from today, Sebastian and I sign our lease. then we'll start the moving process.....then we'll get to sleep in the same bed again....woot!
i can't believe it's only a week away...i am so excited and SO ready for it.
last night was a blast. We had to go pick up my car and my desk from Donna and Eric's and we stayed for dinner. Donna made her Curry Chicken (best damn curry chicken. ever.) and Tim, Krista, Donnna, Kendra, Sebastian, Anthony and I all watched the stupidest reality show in Sci-fi. a 3-hour marathon of "Who want to be a Superhero?" or something...Eric played his game and made comments on the show here and there.
it's a stupid show.
and i'm completely hooked.
tomorrow, Lunch with Krista, Tim, Tyra and Rob, followed by finishing packing up Sebastian's place.
Sunday: Finish packing my place and clean house for Mom and Sister's return.
next week will be more packing.
i may also be starting a new project. more details on that as it develops :)