To eat? Does she like them to eat? :D :D Because I have a seven-course meal she could tuck into, no problem! (That's probably the sort of thing that would appeal to Ima more, I suppose.)
(Because Caius would HAVE to be a mesmer and I've already got two XD) Orinnia and Fiannas, eh? I'll have to check Orinnia's department again ... she *may* not have met Fiannas personally if she's Artefacts, as I suspect. But I guess she'd still have an opinion ...
*strokes his feathers* And you're only a birdbrain, love. Not the best birdbrain out there either.
*laughs hollowly* She's a hummingbird, not a shape-changer.
... Yet, anyway.
(T-T How about just making a Caius-screenie to show me? T-T) *bounces* It could have been worse. I could have had a working Elfwood so I could look up names of secondary characters from Caius' stories. XD
Fft, what kind of bird would have feathers anything like these? Rosella. Oh ... yes. Those are pretty. Peacock. I can see where you're going with this, you know.
Urm ... carnivorous hummingbird? >_> Please?
I'd probably have been forced to look them up too XD;;
Cochalyon, have I mentioned lately how much I adore you?
*pats* Poor Lyss. *holds out Calliope* Maybe she likes Fae or elves.
Oh! Oh! How about... (Reminds me: why is there no Caius GW charrie? T-T) Uhm. How about... Orinnia and Fiannas.
Yes, a pity, that.
To eat? Does she like them to eat? :D :D Because I have a seven-course meal she could tuck into, no problem! (That's probably the sort of thing that would appeal to Ima more, I suppose.)
(Because Caius would HAVE to be a mesmer and I've already got two XD) Orinnia and Fiannas, eh? I'll have to check Orinnia's department again ... she *may* not have met Fiannas personally if she's Artefacts, as I suspect. But I guess she'd still have an opinion ...
*laughs hollowly* She's a hummingbird, not a shape-changer.
... Yet, anyway.
(T-T How about just making a Caius-screenie to show me? T-T) *bounces* It could have been worse. I could have had a working Elfwood so I could look up names of secondary characters from Caius' stories. XD
Oh ... yes. Those are pretty.
I can see where you're going with this, you know.
Urm ... carnivorous hummingbird? >_> Please?
I'd probably have been forced to look them up too XD;;
If you can turn them all into little flies and bugs, so they'll be hummingbird-sized, yes.
*cackles* I think the closest I could come is "The Paladin Handbook Guy".
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