I still aten't dead.

May 09, 2007 20:17

Er, yes, unexpected silence there. Holidays weren't as quiet as I anticipated. Ah, well, at least I had fun. XD (Nagoya's 'Italy Village' is so kitsch it could have made the Caesars cry, and my old lecturer would have beaten me to death for visiting - with some justification - but I loved it. Want a souvenir of a plaster replica of the Bocca della Verita? XD XD)

My cold has gotten a bit worse, alas - coughing, snortling, the lot. The assorted noises are ... unpleasant, I'm sure. The worst thing about catching a snuffly cold here is that it's extremely rude to blow your nose in public in Japan, so you have to adopt the general alternative. And I will NEVER GET USED TO THAT NOISE, I'm sorry. *shiver*

What else? We're into the hot weather now (as of the day before yesterday), which will hopefully dry out my cold. Classes are proceding as usual. My UTas lecturer's coming from Tassie next month to check up on all we exchangies. I like her, she's cool and insane. ;)

Ah! And I've isolated the pictures I was looking for (castles/Kyoto, I think it was?) so I'll put them up tonight or tomorrow, too. I daresay no-one's interested in my penguin postbox shots, though.

Writing has been almost impossible T_T but I'm creeping a bit closer (in continuity-plagued fits and starts) to finishing a Tale of Lorannon, which I refuse to put in bold type even when he asks for it. ;P It was one I started at the same time as The Lake. No idea when I'll get a long enough stretch of solitude to finish.

Also, a miracle occurred. I was given homework. It'll only take a few minutes, but it's more than I've had in five weeks so far.

Japanese universities ... are weird. O_o
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