Oct 20, 2006 00:55
Last uni class was today - huzzah!
Now SWOTVAC cometh O_O
[I don't know what SWOTVAC stands for. It means study week. Weird.]
So yeah, no scrolling marquees yet. Expect those on November 4. My online presence will also be a bit unpredictable until then, so you all get a bit of a breather from the full weight of my jabber, lucky you ^_-
I'm not actually worried about any of these exams - there was crap-all in the way of a workload, as you all heard me moan - but I have to beat my last semester's scores, because that's The Game! Plus I've agreed to buy myself something cool if I do XD (*eyes bank account* er, AUS$20 retail or less)
I have a marshmallow in my coffee. ^_^
Happy Friday, dolls!