(I am applying for the
adopt_a_mom community here on LJ, and am posting my nursing story for that reason. I am happy that I have nursed Doomling to a year+ and there's no signs of stopping. I can;t imagine having done it any other way.
ladyleo ****************
I knew I wanted to breastfeed, even though I hadn't had a child yet. I wanted to give the best to whatever child I bore, and feel that I had done all I could.
Doomling, as we call our little guy on the internet, was worth waiting for. After a number of losses, and finding out the most recent loss was a little boy, I did our round of Clomid, but wasn't planning on anything happening. It was a late cycle, and it was better just to keep track, but not stress.
Little did we know that helped in our favor;-)
While I was pregnant, I researched, talked to a number of people and researched some more. I joined the
breastfeeding community and got an
mamakimi was wonderful in chatting about her experience, and just being there.
September came, and after a couple of false starts, we finally met Doomling! It was a rough entry, via c-section, but I was able to nurse him for the first time within 3 1/2 hours of his birth. He latched on well, and and was just enamoured with this tiny creature.
We came home 3 1/2 days after his birth. He dropped over 15% of his body weight (born at 8.8, got to 7.6), which we found out at his appointment (we got home Tuesday, Ped on Thursday). The ped was awesome, asked if I had a pump, and said to pump after each nursing session, no mention of formula. She noted c-sections can cause milk to take longer to come in, as well as birth trauma. So, we went home, and I tried to pump. 3 sessions, and like .75 an ounce to show... After chatting with the housemate, I said screw the pump and just skin to skin DS, and nurse and nurse and nurse. I spent the night on the couch, watching tv... and we went back to the ped in the am on Friday, and DS had gained 5 oz! And my milk was in!
There were times where DS had issues, cause there I had an overactive letdown, and he would choke when I first latched him on, but we worked through it.
And that is how the year has gone... Dealt with supply drops with impending periods or when I appeared to have an ovarian cyst.. Have dealt with pumping while at school. (Spent many a day attached to a pump while doing school work) But we have made it work. Got hit with thrush right around the one year point, and had it treated, and he continues to nurse. Nursing at keyboard currently, as he just woke up. Back to sleep soon.
Two years is our goal, and I plan on weaning when he is ready.
He is happy, healthy, meeting his milestones, and amazes his Daddy and me daily. I wouldn't change me breastfeeding relationship with
doomling one bit.