"Superman vs. Miranda Priestly"

Aug 08, 2006 15:01

For fans of "Superman Returns", or "The Devil Wears Prada" or both, the following was found on the "Internet Movie Database" site (IMDB). It is a hilarious encounter between Superman and Miranda Priestly:


Superman flies in the window at Runway magazine.

Superman: "Ms. Priestly, may I have a word with you?"

Miranda is momentarily stunned.

Miranda: (averting her eyes) "Possibly, if you find a fabric more appropriate for covering your genitalia. Emily, get this man a pair of pants... and some shoes, he seems to be wearing clown boots."

Emily: (rushes in) "Oh, gawd. Who is that? How did he get in?"

Miranda: "I don't know. I'm assuming that a man who can fly is also able to introduce himself, but perhaps I overestimate his intelligence."

Superman: (taken aback) "Haven't you heard of me? I'm Superman."

Miranda: "Is that what the 'S' means? How adorable."

Emily: (smitten) "Would you like some coffee?"

Miranda: (glares at her) "I asked you to fetch pants, not extend undue courtesy to strange, flying men. Peddle your ineffectual allure on your own time."

Emily retreats, embarassed.

Miranda: "Excuse me, Mr. 'Man', I'm really quite busy. Come back when you have an appointment. I trust you can find your own way back to the window?"

Miranda sits down at her desk and continues her work, ignoring him.

Superman: (stunned) "Pardon me, ma'am, but I ..."

Miranda: "'Mam'? 'Mam'? Do I look like a "mam"? Were you brought up on a farm?"

Superman: "Yes, in fact, I wa - ..."

Miranda: "Does this look like an environment in which your bourgeois rural charms are worth more than a cup of coffee?"

Superman: (frustrated) "Look! I was hoping I could have a brief word with you about Lois Lane."

Miranda: "Lois Lane? That sounds like a name out of a ****ographic film. Should I know this person?"

Superman: "She applied for a job here. You turned her down. You said she didn't have the writing skills of a zebra, and that a zebra would also have a better sense of skin tone. She's been crying for a week."

Miranda: "Oh, yes. She came in with that mopey child that kept sneezing and breaking things."

Superman: "Yes, that's her! I mean - urr - ... Her son is normally well-behaved..."

Miranda: "Are you her boyfriend?"

Superman: (off-guard) "Uhhh, no."

Miranda: "Why do you care so much about her career?"

Superman: "Lois is a friend of mine."

She looks him up and down.

Miranda: "Well, if she wants a job here, wouldn't it be more appropriate if you were a friend of mine?"

Superman looks at her funny. "Pardon me?"

She gets an opportunistic look on her face.

Miranda: "I'm recently divorced. I'll keep a window open tonight. You can get the address from Emily. Just show up wearing something respectable. I can't have those colors in my home."

Superman: "That is completely inappropriate, Ms. Priestly! I am not here to offer you gratuity of any kind. I just thought you'd listen to reason."

Miranda squints her eyes. "Reason? I can't reason with a test pattern, and your tone is inexpressibly vacant. It's like talking to an automatic teller machine. If you can't help me, then I can't help you. Please leave."

Superman: "With all due respect, I brought you a copy of Lois' resume, and I was hoping you'd take one last look at it. She has won a Pulitzer prize. I'm sure that will qualify her to work here."

Miranda: "Where on Earth were you storing that piece of paper when you came in here?"

Superman: "I'd rather not say."

Miranda: "Never mind, I'd rather not know."

With a protracted sigh, Miranda looks at the resume. After a moment, she laughs out loud.

Miranda: "She won a Pulitzer for writing about how the world doesn't need you? What happened there? Did you get her pregnant and abandon her with that loathesome boy?"

Superman: "*cough*..."

Miranda stands up and walks toward him.

Miranda: "Is that so? Well, if Ms. Lane's associations are any indication of her character, I should be quite reluctant to have her working here."

She hands him the resume as a sign to leave.

Superman: "You are being very rude, Ms. Prie - ..."

Superman steps forward, but Miranda raises her right hand. On it is a ring with a green gem. Superman stops suddenly, wincing in pain.

Superman: "Wh - what is that? Are you wearing Kryptonite?"

Miranda: "Yes, I am. Isn't it lovely? It can only be found in meteorites."

She moves closer to him, extending her hand. He backs away, short for breath. She's delighted by his reaction.

Miranda: "How interesting. It seems you have some kind of innate aversion to good taste."

Superman: "It's the Kryptonite! It weakens me. How did you know?"

Miranda: "Any fashion expert like myself could see that green would throw off your whole color scheme. It's only logical, I suppose, that it would also cripple your silly powers."

Superman: (dropping to the floor) "Silly powers? Who are you?"

Miranda: "I'm busy. Now leave. And don't return."

She sits back down at her desk.

Miranda: (waving her hand) "That's all."

Superman crawls out the door and, in his weakened state, collapses outside the office just as Emily scurries back with the pants.

Miranda: "Emily! Pick up the annoying man and take him downstairs. Try not to become impregnated on the elevator. He's handsome but unreliable."

dc comics, anne hathaway, stanley tucci, emily blunt, movies, frank langella, literary, comics, meryl streep, kevin spacey

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